Privacy policy


The use of personal data giving by the visitors on WINNER PLUS Pet Food s.r.l. (following, the Company) through this website will occur pursuant to the following modality.

The company is Holder of the use of personal data communicated by the visitors through this website. We care about the privacy of children. The submission of personal data regarding a minor must be made by one of the parents or by the person exercising parental responsibility.

Whoever has given his/hers personal data to the Company, when sending the e-mail authorizes the use of such for a particular purpose, having the faculty, in any moment, to practice it's rights according to the Privacy Code (D.Lgs. 196/2003), art. 7 contacting WINNER PLUS Pet Food s.r.l., Via Italia 2 - 00060 Capena (Rome) Italy.

Leg. Decree 196/2003 - Article 7 - Right of access to personal data and other rights
1. The Interested Party is entitled, upon communication through the email address,  to receive confirmation as to the existence of his/her personal information, even if not yet recorded, and the communication of this information in a comprehensible form.

2.The Interested Party is entitled to obtain, upon communication through the email address, the following information:
a) the origin of the personal data;
b) the purpose and the modality of use;
c) of the logic applied whenever the processing involves electronic tools;
d) the identification details of the Owner, of the Responsible and of the designated Representative pursuant to article 5, paragraph 2;
e) of persons and categories of persons to whom the personal data may be communicated, or person who may acquaint himself of the information as a designated representative on State territory, also of responsible and persons in charge.

3. The Interested Party is entitled to obtain, upon communication through the email address, the following:
a) update, rectify, and when deemed of interest, integrate the data;
b) cancel, convert to anonymous format or block the processed data in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be kept when considering the purposes for which they were gathered and were later processed;
c) confirmation that operations described in letters a) and b) were made known, including their content, to those to whom data was communicated or transmitted, except in cases when it may not be possible to do so or when it necessitates a disproportionate effort when compared to the protected right.

4. The Interested Party is entitled to oppose the following, either in whole or in part upon communication through the email address
a) for legal reasons, to the treatment and processing of your personal data, even when pertinent to the purpose of the data collection;
b) to the treatment and processing of your personal data retained for the purposes of sending publicity material, direct sales, or for market research and commercial communications.

Scope of communication
For the execution of part of their activity, the Company turns to third parties for the execution of elaborations of data necessary to the finalities illustrated. More precisely, the communication to third parties of Your data can happen for: data collection, the elaboration and filing on hardcopy archive or computer archive; the printing; preparation of envelope and sending of the mail; the diffusion through emails of informative and promotional communications; the possible management of payment services (e-commerce); the statistic analysis finalized to verify the appreciation of the products and services, to appraise the expectations of the clientele, a potential question for other products and services and to promote the quality of the offer.

What are cookies and how to handle them
The Company undertakes in not collecting data from its website unbeknown to the visitors. For every time effect a visit our website collects, however information regarding the date, to the consulted pages and the duration of the connection through specific programs (cookie), activated by the same computer of the consumers. A cookie is not able in any way to damage the data preserved in the computer. Cookies perform many different and useful functions, such as to identify your computer and allow you to quickly access to the information you desire; to get to know you better, following the Sites consulted, your habits, and to share contests or promotional initiatives; to appraise the composition of our public. The information memorized in the cookies related to every visitor allows to enrich the Sites for better suiting its contents for the interest of the consumers and the commercial partnerships of the Society to make more effective.
Naturally it is possible to prevent such collection of information disabling the use of the cookies in the browser Web. By disabling of the cookies it doesn't prevent the access the Sites, but deprives the consumer of the advantages to the personalization of the online exploration.

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